April 08, 2002

Patent Nbrs. 6,325,284 and 6,347,739

Prowling around the 'Net looking for music by Dave Frishberg and Becky Kilgore, I came across this Ohio University radio station (WOUB). Judging from the playlists I'd like to be in the listening area. Fortunately, they do live streaming about 2 weeks after the original playdate.

More media info: here's still another mainstream press article about blogging, this one from the UK's Financial Times. Middle East journalists find their subject no less contentious but a tad more serious: Howard Kurtz talks to a few of them. Don't miss the "Correction" at the bottom of the column; it could have been titled "When Obituaries Go Bad."

Anyone want to use a credit card for taxi fare? Caution: that card may beep. Andersen v. DOJ: "a jury of penguins?" Just can't keep them penguins down, I guess. No word yet on the makeup of said jury, so your correspondent can't comment on the relative merit of Emperor vs. Adelie. From the oh, yuk! file: maggots as healers!

Posted by Linkmeister at April 8, 2002 04:34 PM

I've got a link for you, link. Lemme find it.....seriously.....
great radio station in L.A.....

Posted by: hoopty at April 8, 2002 05:50 PM

maggots -- 100% effective -- who thought of that?

Posted by: kd at April 8, 2002 08:03 PM