September 18, 2002

World Domination 101

I sent off an e-mail to the WashPost White House correspondent after reading this article, which I found through JeanNINE. My e-mail asked why we'd not read any of this in the Post, while numbers of trees have died to print stories about Cheney and his refusal to disclose details of his energy policy task force. (I have yet to receive a reply). I went over to the website of the PNAC and looked up the report mentioned in the story (Acrobat required). We pretty much knew that the administration's energy policy had been written by the extractive industries; now it appears that administration foreign policy was written by a think tank whose president is William Kristol of the Weekly Standard. I don't think I want policy written by newspaper publishers of any ideology, but that's apparently what we've gotten here. The report is 90 pages long, is an offshoot of one started while Cheney was still SecDef in 1992, and basically states the case for American imperialism all over the globe.

Ok, having learned all that, we now read in today's Post that Bush is hell-bent to do what he wants in Iraq, with no stinking UN resolutions to impede him. Lovely. He's certainly following the PNAC blueprint. Can anyone spell impeachment? After all, Clinton was impeached, and he didn't send off our soldiers to a war the entire world thinks is unnecessary.

Posted by Linkmeister at September 18, 2002 09:54 PM

I find it ironic that a President faces impeachment over his sex life, yet the current Prez can flat out LIE and seek to waive the Constitution to declare war and nobody in the White House is turning up the heat on him. This had better CHANGE.

Posted by: JeanNINE at September 20, 2002 10:38 AM