November 10, 2002

Delusion: the infinite capacity for kidding oneself

Main Entry: spin
Function: noun
Date: 1831

4 : a special point of view, emphasis, or interpretation (they put the most favorable spin on the findings)

Were you all aware that you had tort reform in mind when you voted on Tuesday? I thought not. This medical professionals association would have you believe it, though.

Posted by Linkmeister at November 10, 2002 01:47 PM

that was some deep spin though. i mean they had to dig and dig to find that in this election. yeah. tort reform. huuuuge issue.

Posted by: kd at November 10, 2002 09:07 PM

They did have to work at it, that's for sure.

Posted by: Linkmeister at November 10, 2002 09:42 PM

Tort reform???
Doctors would leave you to believe that they are starving>>>> NOT. They are being screwed but not to the point of starvation. The cuts and lawsuits mean that they will only have 2 BMW's not 5. They may have to rethink private schools, designer clothing, trips to Europe, etc. But, they are not going broke.
In their defense, many lawsuits are frivolous. The awards are astrnomical and outlandish.

There has to be a middle road. Somewhere. It may be up to us: John Q. Public to find it.

I've been on the defendant end of one of these suits. IT ain't fun. The beached whale that sued us got 25,000 dollars in a settlement for a suit that had NO credence. The hosptial chose to settle "out of court" rather than go to court. Said beached whale weighed about 325 lbs. and her "injury" happened because she was morbidly obese. We paid her 25 grand cause she was morbidly obese. Bullshit. I am wiser now and refuse to participate in case of people who are morbidly obese for elective procedures. Older and wiser I am ...............

My advice:
Lose wt. or NO surgery.

the end.

Posted by: tina at November 11, 2002 06:35 AM

Everytime someone says 'tort reform', I think: "YIKES! The cake wasn't frosted correctly! Grab the ganache!"

I worked in food service WAY too long. :P

Posted by: Jen at November 11, 2002 04:46 PM

My hospital bill was 123,470 bucks.
My insurance paid 19,000 bucks. The difference is roughly $104,000 which I am Not required to pay, because this is the contracted rate the hosital agreed to.
What the hell is wrong here???
If I didn't have insurance would I be required to pay the full amount? Can't figure this out, and hope I never, ever am in a situation where I have to...

Posted by: toxiclabrat at November 12, 2002 09:25 AM

Wait. This is where I stop understanding the system. Does that mean the hospital eats the difference?

Posted by: Linkmeister at November 12, 2002 12:33 PM

Oh, and Jen? "ganache?"

Posted by: Linkmeister at November 12, 2002 08:08 PM

I guess it rhymes with "panache" ;-)
Yes, Steve-
I don't understand the large difference in my hospital bill...makes ya wonder, huh?

Posted by: toxiclabrat at November 13, 2002 07:56 AM


"Definition: A combination of chocolate and cream, melted together slowly. When used warm, ganache is poured over cakes or cookies to form a smooth glossy coating. If chilled, it can be formed into chocolate truffles."

Posted by: Linkmeister at November 13, 2002 04:17 PM