February 03, 2003

Questions? You got questions?

Senator Bill Bradley has some questions he thinks went unanswered in the SOTU. One finds other unanswered questions in the new budget released today; no projection for an Iraq war is included, and oh, social program costs will be flat. Given that health care costs seem to be going up at nearly double-digit rates, that seems like willful ignorance or deliberate obfuscation.

"Win Without War" = "World Wide Web?" What impact has the 'Net had on political movements of all sorts? Here's a brief overview, focusing on MoveOn.

Oh, my word. The Middle Earth mail scam.

And finally, if you want a synopsis of what happened with the Bloggies this year, I suggest you read this. It reads accurate, anyway.

Posted by Linkmeister at February 3, 2003 02:54 PM

No budget for the Iraq war???
How about a budget for the Korean War??
This is getting more mind blowing by the minute-

Posted by: toxiclabrat at February 4, 2003 12:30 PM

Thanks for the link to that article on cyber-activism!

And I must echo Rattie: NO BUDGET FOR THE IRAQ WAR??? This could mean 2 things:

1. He planned on having them smoked out by 2004
2. He has no intention of actually engaging in war, but to just keep campaigning for it, which will keep his popularity high??


Posted by: JeanNINE at February 5, 2003 03:53 PM

Considering that Larry Lindsey quoted a price tag of $200B for the Iraq war (before any reconstruction, as I recall) and was promptly fired...

Posted by: Linkmeister at February 5, 2003 07:42 PM