July 02, 2003

Harried skies

Quel horreur! France's best-seller list has been topped for the first time by a book in English! No surprise; it's the latest Harry Potter novel.

More lies and obfuscation: EPA has withheld "key findings of its analysis showing that a Senate plan to combat air pollution would be more effective in reducing harmful pollutants -- and only marginally more expensive -- than would President Bush's Clear Skies initiative for power plant emissions."

They never stop trying, do they?

Then there's this bit of corporate kowtowing:

As PC makers prepare a new generation of desktop computers with built-in hardware controls to protect data and digital entertainment from illegal copying, the industry is also promising to keep information safe from tampering and help users avoid troublemakers in cyberspace. (My emphasis)

Can you say sellout to Hollywood and the RIAA?

Posted by Linkmeister at July 2, 2003 08:17 AM

Um, my wish to build my own computer just looks better and better! I mean, it would cost far less and look much nicer, plus I wouldn't have to put those controls in. Heh.

Alas, I would still be stuck with two OS choices: the evil that is Windows or Linux.

Posted by: bunny at July 3, 2003 12:09 PM

Didn't I read that Apple was allowing people to clone the Mac?

Posted by: Linkmeister at July 3, 2003 12:29 PM