July 03, 2003

Bill of Rights (and Wrongs)

What the hack? This weekend there may be a hacker's contest to take down web sites. "The contest is scheduled to take place on Sunday 6 July, says US company Internet Security Systems (ISS), with points being awarded for each individual web site that is defaced."

...during contests of this type groups will sometimes try to block competitors' access to key network resources, which can have a knock-on impact on ordinary internet users. An alert issued [by] ISS's X-Force research team says: "Due to the large scope of the contest, normal internet activity could be disrupted."
Here's additional info. It appears to be aimed at commercial websites, but individual sites could be "bycatch," to borrow a fishing term. Back up!

First Amendment news: Bloggers gain libel protection. That's nice to know, huh? "Here, the court basically said that when it comes to Internet publication, you can edit, pick and choose, and still be protected," said Cindy Cohn, legal director of the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

The Freedom Foundation announced that a new online research source for First Amendment issues has been launched. One of the most useful areas of the First Amendment Center will probably be a massive library of some 1300 Supreme Court cases that relate to the First Amendment.

Posted by Linkmeister at July 3, 2003 09:51 AM