July 18, 2003

'Net bits

The dark side of having your fridge connected to the web:

"and we're going to need something like 100 IP addresses for each human being."

I've been getting timeout errors when pinging Weblogs; my MT activity log is growing exponentially. I had no idea why, but this explains all. In essence, Weblogs gets pinged and sends a confirmation back to MT, but if MT doesn't receive the confirmation within its expected time frame it gives you the timeout error. The solution is to add or modify the time parameter within one of the MT files.

In other internet news, the Brits are being advised to make e-government semi-compulsory for the computer literate, in hopes of freeing up personnel to serve the non-geeks. One hopes they do a better job than the current inhabitants of the White House, which has just implemented a new e-mail system which requires (wait for it) up to nine Web pages before your message can be sent. Oh, and did I mention you have to specify whether you agree with Administration policy or not?

Posted by Linkmeister at July 18, 2003 12:01 AM

I've been getting the Weblogs.com timeout errors, too. Very recent development. I'll have to go dig through files to see if I can tinker with pMachine's time parameters...like I know where to look for this...um yeah.

As for the white house email system...where do you imagine email goes if you don't agree with the administration's policy? Or maybe they are pre-stamped with "with us" and "against us".

Posted by: Raye at July 18, 2003 11:53 AM

president.withATwhitehouse.gov and

Posted by: Linkmeister at July 19, 2003 09:14 PM