July 29, 2003

Caution: Roadblocks ahead

I used to be lukewarm towards term limits for legislators; California may be the primary example why I didn't support the idea more strongly (reg. req.--try bselig for login). Its example (and, more egregiously, Texas) is also why I think there needs to be a system of independent non-partisan commissions to redistrict.

Oh lovely. The Administration wants to avoid paying a damage award to former Gulf War prisoners that they sued the former Iraqi government to get. Its argument? The money is needed to pay current Iraq rebuilding costs. See TalkLeft for more details.

Here's a nice discussion with links about the Administration's propensity to believe what it wants to believe about science; what it currently wants to believe is that global warming needs more study, the current amount of stem-cell lines available for research is sufficient, and cutting down forests is the best way to promote biodiversity and prevent fire.

Posted by Linkmeister at July 29, 2003 01:14 PM