August 15, 2003

Yeah, right...

When you hear Mr. Bush proclaim

"We’ll have time to look at it and determine whether or not our grid needs to be modernized. I happen to think it does, and have said so all along."
don't believe it.

Posted by Linkmeister at August 15, 2003 03:01 PM

Let us hope that everyone who was stuck in an elevator, stuck in a subway, stuck in traffic, stuck in NYC because of railroad and airport standstills remembers how this jerk lied yet again..
Remember it all for election day!!

Posted by: toxiclabrat at August 16, 2003 01:59 AM

Unbelievable. I really echo what ToxicLabRat said here!

Posted by: JeanNINE at August 19, 2003 08:54 AM