June 03, 2004


I make my living reading material online, but I can't imagine reading an entire book that way. A lot of people do, it seems. There are an estimated 25-30,000 pirated books online, one outfit guesses. Huh.

Whoo boy. This sounds familiar. If you've ever thought of paying a fee for information from one of those ubiquitous people search outfits, read this amusing tale first, and check your wallet after.

Speaking of wallets, I heard somebody say that part of the reason for George Tenet's departure from CIA today was financial; he has a son who's about to enter college. Now, c'mon. The Director of Central Intelligence may not be getting paid as much as an executive VP at a Forbes 500 company, but the salary has to be in the six-digit range (update: Larry Johnson, who's ex-CIA, just said on Talk of the Nation that it's $150K/year); there's an awful lot of people who manage to send their kids to school on far less.

Posted by Linkmeister at June 3, 2004 12:13 PM

Ah.. c'mon.. he's taking a fall for Bush. Bush sure as h*ll can't take credit for his own f*ck-ups.

Posted by: Six at June 3, 2004 05:12 PM

he needs a rest..(yeah, right....)
He'll write a book, become a guest speaker and appear on Larry King...
he'll get bucks to send his little boy to college, yet..
Can't his own kid get money for school?
Why, in my day, I worked and went to school, and got loans for school...
OW!, must go back to my rocker and blanket now... ;-}

Posted by: toxiclabrat at June 6, 2004 03:24 AM