April 01, 2005

Algorithmically speaking

Hmm. "What are they saying about us?" A new program is about to try to measure that. The goal? "It can tell whether a newspaper article is reporting a political party’s policy in a positive or negative light, for instance, or whether an online review is praising a product or damning it."

Yikes. I can see the value of it, but yikes.

By the way, I got a roll of film developed and digitized, so there are some new photos in the Family album in the Gallery, and a new album called Oahu Scenery.

Posted by Linkmeister at April 1, 2005 12:01 AM

I couldn't get to that article. It said it had been "embargoed" -- whatever that means! Sounds serious. Who's putting the program out? It may have a "slant" right off bat! That would be interesting though.....

Posted by: blue girl at April 1, 2005 09:31 AM

I couldn't get to that article. It said it had been "embargoed" -- whatever that mean! Sounds serious. Who's putting that program out? Maybe it's got a "slant" right off the bat. Very interesting -

Posted by: blue girl at April 1, 2005 09:33 AM

Hmm. That's a new one on me. New Scientist is a reputable apolitical publication, so it wouldn't have done that without a good reason (as opposed to threats from Tom Delay!). I wonder what's going on. I'll try again later in the day. Thanks for letting me know.

Posted by: Linkmeister at April 1, 2005 09:43 AM

Film? What's that? ;-P

Posted by: NTodd at April 2, 2005 10:39 AM