May 05, 2005

What he said

Ok, I found something to have an opinion about today: this puts the Robertsons, Dobsons, Falwells and the rest in their proper place. This can't be discounted as coming from some lousy atheist or agnostic, either; the author is certainly a practicing Christian and possibly a minister or deacon or something of that nature.

In many times and in many places, Christians have faced persecution because of their faith.

The United States in the early 21st century is not such a time and place. Right now, as you read this, people are suffering imprisonment, disenfranchisement and physical harm because they are Christians. None of these people live in the United States.

Read the whole thing.

Posted by Linkmeister at May 5, 2005 03:44 PM

But there are Christians being persecuted by other Christians now...for not being Christian enough. Anyone who isn't a Dominionist seems to be fair game.

Posted by: Kate at May 6, 2005 01:36 PM