May 11, 2005

I can see clearly now

As a result of this visit to the eye doc, I have new glasses. The world no longer looks as though it were covered in vaseline or cheesecloth; it's got sharp edges again. These are the widely-advertised Transition lenses, meaning they're Photogray and they're plastic. They are certainly more lightweight than the glass Photogray ones I've been wearing for seven years. On the other hand, I walked out of the office with dire warnings about how easily scratched they are, so I should be careful. We'll see.

Posted by Linkmeister at May 11, 2005 05:06 PM

Congrats on those new Transition specs. Mine did not scratch until my dog chewed them. Oy. We both lived through that

Posted by: The Heretik at May 12, 2005 03:19 PM

Grins. Congrats on not murdering your dog. I suppose mine could reach them at night, but she's twelve years old and lazy; hopefully she won't bother.

Posted by: Linkmeister at May 12, 2005 03:31 PM

I was told that these particular types of lenses do not turn Photogray when you are in the car..
Is this true???
after you have answered this question, could you please tell me the meaning of life?
Thank you,
misunderstood and confused in New Jersey

Posted by: Toxiclabrat at May 13, 2005 04:59 AM

I drove home after getting them Wednesday and looked in the rear-view mirror while wearing them. I couldn't tell for sure, but there certainly was no glare from the sun while I had them on. I think that's fodder for Snopes (yeah, like Snopes has nothing better to do).

Posted by: Linkmeister at May 13, 2005 10:13 AM