September 14, 2005

Minimum wage & health insurance

From a Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights press release:

The Kaiser Family Foundation report [Page 4, footnote 7] found that health care premiums are increasing 2.5 times faster than inflation and 3 times faster than workers earnings. As a result, the cost of family health insurance coverage for one year rose to $10,880 in 2005. Minimum-wage, full-time worker income for one year is $10,712. The report also found that the number of employers that offer health insurance fell to 60 percent -- a 10 percent reduction since 2000.

The Republicans and libertarians always grumble about how much of their income goes to taxes; I wonder if they've ever looked at how much goes to health insurance? Probably not, since they're likely employed by a firm which (so far) still subsidizes that insurance. At some point, that's gonna stop. The day that CATO and Heritage stop paying for their employees' health insurance is the day these people will start to really worry about this problem. Meanwhile, the 43 million or so uninsured can go hang.

Can you say "national disgrace?"

Posted by Linkmeister at September 14, 2005 12:55 PM | TrackBack