October 04, 2005

Bits and pieces

It's not enough we may have a tenth planet in our solar system, now we learn that it may have a moon orbiting it? How much can astronomers grasp all at one time?

What's the @ sign called in places where English isn't used? Herodios tells us. Pretzel, elephant's ear, monkey's tail, cat-foot; these are some of the alternatives.

This is the worst presumably unconscious pun I've heard in a long time: during the NPR newscast the announcer, explaining why New Orleans had to lay off 3,000 city workers today, said "tax revenues have dried up."

Posted by Linkmeister at October 4, 2005 03:07 PM | TrackBack

I think it's funny that the planet (or potential planet) is called Xena.

It's moon? Gabrielle.

Nerd humor. Good times.

Posted by: shelley at October 4, 2005 07:20 PM