November 08, 2005

Best practical joke ever

Apparently the victim of this well-planned and well-executed bit of vandalism once perpetrated a similar prank on the author.

Man. Best my office crowd ever did was move everything from below desks to above and from above to below. We weren't in the same league.

Posted by Linkmeister at November 8, 2005 12:01 AM | TrackBack

Oh my, and I just heard that song on the radio in the car... the one with the line "trying to catch the diluge in a paper cup..."

Anyway, I'm not too keen on office pranks.
Because I had a job where the people were scumbag pranksters. They left filthy garbage in my cubicle on a regular basis, and apparently thought it funny, but it was disgusting.

Posted by: Chloe at November 7, 2005 09:54 PM

My law about practical jokes: Be sure the victim will instantly understand your affection for him/her upon finding the joke; if he/she won't, don't do it.

Posted by: Linkmeister at November 8, 2005 08:49 AM

Yeah, Linkmeister, we have that same (unspoken) rule here. Permenant damage and the like are to be avoided, and hilarity is to be desired. And of course, the more creative the better.

This is the kind of stuff that happens when you have graduate students under lots of pressure who need an outlet. Thinking up pranks is more constructive than just going and drinking yourself into a stupor (although we do that too). Plus, nobody here ever goes on vacation, so the few times a year that someone is out of the office for a week, everybody descends.

Posted by: The Chemist at November 8, 2005 10:07 AM

That is too funny!

The best practical joke that I ever did was on April Fools day and I went around the entire office and, well, "improved" people's photos that they had on their desk by inserting photocopied pix of celebrities into their family photos.

It took quite a while but people were howling! ;-) In fact, one woman didn't want to take the copy of Brad Pitt out of the photo of her and her "husband" in the hot tub.

Posted by: jillian at November 8, 2005 05:30 PM