December 19, 2005

Oh, yeah, that thing

While rummaging through the below-counter cupboards I rediscovered my "Lean Mean Grilling Machine." Yet another household gadget received for Christmas and never yet used. In this case it's just been a year, but there may be other things like it. I know we have a meat slicer I haven't used since about 1985, when it was a useful tool for the New Year's Day Open House we no longer throw.

Who else has something they got for Christmas but for whatever reason has never gotten around to using?

Posted by Linkmeister at December 19, 2005 04:06 PM | TrackBack

Two years ago I specifically asked for a crock pot. I got a beautiful one, but for one reason or another (last apartment didn't have much counter space; now I try to cook smaller portions of things for reasons of weight control) I have never turned the darned thing on.

Posted by: shelley at December 21, 2005 05:51 PM

Ah, crock pots. We have two. One's round and ceramic, the other's oval and metal. They both work like a charm, and they both get very little use.

I think part of it is that I'd feel really useless at suppertime if all I had to do was ladle meat and potatoes out of the pot onto a plate.

Posted by: Linkmeister at December 21, 2005 08:11 PM

Plus, I'd have to get up ridiculously early in the morning to get everything ready to go INTO the pot, and I barely manage to pop open a yogurt for breakfast in the a.m. without being late for work as it is. (I know. You're gonna say I could do the prep the night before, but why would I want to prepare tomorrow night's dinner after I just finished cleaning up tonight's? That's just silly.)

Posted by: shelley at December 22, 2005 02:56 PM