June 02, 2006

Unlawful search

Do you do any unusual web searches? The FBI and AG Gonzales want to know about it. Moreover, they want the ISPs and search engines to hand over that information to them.

While initial proposals were vague, executives from companies that attended the meeting said they gathered that the department was interested in records that would allow them to identify which individuals visited certain Web sites and possibly conducted searches using certain terms.


An executive of one Internet provider that was represented at the first meeting said Mr. Gonzales began the discussion by showing slides of child pornography from the Internet. But later, one participant asked Mr. Mueller why he was interested in the Internet records. The executive said Mr. Mueller's reply was, "We want this for terrorism."

"Which individuals visited certain Web sites." Who defines the websites in question? If I go read the Koran online, am I suddenly a terrorism suspect? If I do online research on the Weather Underground or the Black Panthers, am I a threat to national security?

Where does it end? When was the Fourth Amendment repealed?

Posted by Linkmeister at June 2, 2006 12:01 AM | TrackBack

You're assuming that this criminal administration ever respected the Constitution. They violated it simply to take office, so why would they follow it once the junta had taken over?

Posted by: Curmudgeon at June 2, 2006 01:24 AM

Yeah, in fact I have the Weather Underground's page bookmarked. In fact, I've considered becoming a member. Arrest me now.

Posted by: Keith at June 2, 2006 01:14 PM