June 24, 2007

Speaking of Ronstadt

For my money, Linda Ronstadt did a better job of selecting songs suited to her voice than any other woman in the 1970s. This one's "It's So Easy," written by Buddy Holly and Norman Petty.

She's still active, by the way: her latest album is a 2006 collaboration with Ann Savoy entitled Adieu False Heart. Savoy is a musician and Cajun music scholar; if you saw Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood or heard the soundtrack, you'll recognize her music. You can hear a couple of songs from their performance on Bill Maher's show at that link. One of them is "Walk Away Renée," The Left Banke's 1966 hit, slowed down to ballad tempo. It's beautiful.

Posted by Linkmeister at June 24, 2007 12:01 AM | TrackBack

I love the way she sings "Long, Long Time"...
She also sang a beautiful song written by Randy Newman, but I forget the name...

Posted by: toxiclabrat at June 24, 2007 01:18 AM

I was thinking "I Think It's Going To Rain Today" or "You Can Leave You Hat On", but Google turned up this song, with which I am not familiar.

Posted by: John A Arkansawyer at June 25, 2007 10:43 AM

She sang Randy Newman's "Feels Like Home" and it is a very beautiful song. Suits her very well.

Posted by: Victoria Lucas at June 25, 2007 11:31 AM

John, thanks; I'd never heard that before. The same guy posted another video of her singing Newman's Real Emotional Girl, another one I'd never heard.

I own a dozen of her albums.

Posted by: Linkmeister at June 25, 2007 11:50 AM


If you've never checked out Randy Newman's Faust, you have a treat in store. Linda Ronstadt, Bonnie Raitt, James Taylor (I think this is the best thing he's ever done, other than Carly Simon), Don Henley, Elton John (okay, that track is not spectacular), and Randy Newman! It's as funny as hell, which, granted, not everyone finds funny:

The centuries fly by. Lucifer, the Devil, now reigns in Hell where to the surprise of many, he has proven to be an effective administrator--harsh to be sure, vicious, even sadistic, ruthless when necessary but always fair. His life has not been an easy one however, and he longs to return to Heaven where they now have golf, roller coasters and Hawaiian music. He promises revenge.


Now I'm thinking Ronstadt also did Sail Away, as have lots of folks--I've got Etta James' version.

Posted by: John A Arkansawyer at June 30, 2007 01:40 AM

John, I always appreciate Randy Newman, but I admit it's usually by accident. He's not a singer I seek out for his vocal talents, but his songwriting is very good indeed. I've never heard of Faust, but having looked at the website and synopsis, I have to hear this.

According to AllMusicGuide, there are at least 223 versions of Sail Away. Ronstadt sang it on Don't Cry Now, her fourth post-Stone Poneys album.

Posted by: Linkmeister at June 30, 2007 07:11 AM