November 29, 2007

Dogs, mice and lynx win one

Well well. Look what happened on the endangered species front yesterday:

The Fish and Wildlife Service reversed seven rulings that denied increased protection for endangered species, after an inquiry found that the actions had been tainted by political pressure from a former Interior Department official. In a letter to Representative Nick J. Rahall II, Democrat of West Virginia, the agency acknowledged that the actions had been “inappropriately influenced” and that “revising the seven identified decisions is supported by scientific evidence and the proper legal standards.” The ruling affects species including the white-tailed prairie dog, the Preble’s meadow jumping mouse and the Canada lynx.

It's a small victory, but any pushback against Gale Norton and the minions she left behind at Interior is welcome.

This is what a Democratic president is going to have to face in January of 2009. He or she will find agencies that have been infiltrated by officials who don't believe the mission of the agencies is valid, and who will obstruct efforts of those agencies to perform as they were intended.

Posted by Linkmeister at November 29, 2007 02:15 PM | TrackBack