February 22, 2008

Lost, Season Four, Episode 4

It's called "Eggtown," for reasons subtle and unknowable in advance. Here's Ryan's post.

You do know that he and Jen have started their weekly "Lost" podcast up again, don't you? After each week's post, the following one is a podcast of their thoughts about it. They did this for season 2, I think, but life got in the way of them doing it for last season.

Eight survivors. The Oceanic Six plus Ben plus who? Juliette? Desmond?

It looks like Claire isn't among the Six if Kate has Aaron. But then why would Jack be averse to seeing the child? He surely knows Claire didn't make it and the baby did. Man, what a puzzlement.

Kate in heels was a treat.

Posted by Linkmeister at February 22, 2008 12:01 AM | TrackBack