July 08, 2008


Become a StrangeBedfellow!

What's that all about?

The goal of AccountabilityNowPAC is to become a permanent entity on the Washington DC political landscape which will let our politicians know that civil liberties MATTER. Our message to politicians in Washington is loud and clear: uphold constitutional rights and we will support you; abridge freedom in America and we will not be on your side. Democrat or Republican—it makes no difference to us.

There's a mass donation event planned for August 8 of this year. August 8 is significant; it's the date of Richard Nixon's resignation from the office of the Presidency. Not since Nixon have we had a President so blithely unconcerned about Americans' civil liberties as we now have, and AccountabilityNow is going to be fighting back against members of the political class who sell out those liberties with ad campaigns and other forms of activism.

If you think the government should be of "laws not men," then consider signing up to participate.

Posted by Linkmeister at July 8, 2008 09:57 AM | TrackBack

I'm so mad I could use intemperate language!

I went and registered for this, then for good measure went and joined the ACLU as well. (I've been meaning to get around to it, I swear!) The ACLU tells me they are going to sue, so we'll see where that goes.

Thanks for the heads up.

Posted by: Juli Thompson at July 9, 2008 05:36 PM

Juli! Remember you're ordained! ;)

Posted by: Linkmeister at July 9, 2008 07:40 PM

I tried to link to a Doonesbury cartoon in reply, but couldn't pull it off. So imagine:

Zonker and Scott sitting at a table, Scott telling Zonker about going on a date with Joanie. He confesses that he held her hand. In anguish, he wails to Zonker "And me a priest!" Zonker, equally horrified, responds, "I know! I know!"

And so I respond to you, "I know! I know!"

Posted by: Juli Thompson at July 11, 2008 06:14 PM