September 08, 2008

Current reading list

I went to the library today and picked up Ron Suskind's The Way of the World, Ted Sorenson's Counselor, and Ron Perlstein's Nixonland.

That's nearly 2,000 pages of reading about current affairs I have to finish within three weeks, and it doesn't count my birthday gift to Mom: Jane Mayer's The Dark Side.

Oh, and I finished Dorothy L. Sayers' first two books with Harriet Vane and Lord Peter Wimsey, so now I'm back to reading Gaudy Night, which I'd stopped until I could read the books in which Harriet first appeared.

By the way, all the Wimsey books are in print in mass market paperback.

Posted by Linkmeister at September 8, 2008 12:50 PM | TrackBack