September 20, 2008

Flip, flop, fizzle

Via Paul Krugman's blog, Senator McCain wrote in the current issue (!) (.pdf) of "Contingencies," which is a monthly magazine published by the American Academy of Actuaries:

Opening up the health insurance market to more vigorous nationwide competition, as we have done over the last decade in banking, would provide more choices of innovative products less burdened by the worst excesses of state-based regulation.

So deregulation was highly desirable one or two months ago when he wrote the article, but after this week he's railing against deregulation and its proponents (Senator, have you met your adviser Phil Gramm? Senator Gramm, meet Senator McCain).

Senator McCain has drunk deep of the free-market ideological waters, I'm afraid; The market will solve everything! Except when it's expedient for him to say otherwise.

Posted by Linkmeister at September 20, 2008 08:25 AM | TrackBack