November 05, 2008

I foresee

The long view from Brad DeLong:

For the first time since the end of 1994, we can have normal politics and policymaking--can discuss what policies are best for America, and what America should be.

You see, from the end of 1994 to the end of 2000, the Republican congressional majority's single fixed idea was that nothing should happen that could be portrayed as a success for Bill Clinton. And from the end of 2000 to today, the executive branch was controlled by a gang of malevolent, immoral, and destructive thugs that have disgraced the United States of America.

We can finally have normal politics and policymaking again. That's not a tremendous accomplishment, is it?

When Gerald Ford was sworn in to replace Richard Nixon in August of 1974 he said, "My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over."

Somehow I don't think that's accurate today. I fully expect the Republican Party to regroup and begin attacking President Obama as they did President Clinton, starting January 21, 2009. I hope President Obama is ready for it; I suspect he realizes what's coming.

Posted by Linkmeister at November 5, 2008 11:58 AM | TrackBack