November 06, 2008

Another Southern state turns blue

North Carolina goes for Obama.

Somewhere that miserable bigot Jesse Helms is screaming "No!"

Posted by Linkmeister at November 6, 2008 10:44 AM | TrackBack

I have several first, second and probably third cousins, plus an Aunt in NC and I wrote them to say thank you for the vote!! I suspect they are evenly divided on their party affiliations but I prefer to think that they are the reason!! ;)

Posted by: Cyn at November 6, 2008 04:58 PM

In other delayed election news, we still don't have a senator in Minnesota. The Secretary of State promises that we will before the innauguration, which I suppose is what counts.

When I was checking Minnesota Public Radio's homepage to see what the current vote difference is (239!), I saw that one of their lead stories is that Joe Leiberman is in talks to caucus with the GOP.

You called that one, I'm sorry to say.

He needs to go!!

Posted by: Juli Thompson at November 7, 2008 09:31 AM

The most Lieberman should get is retention of seniority. He shouldn't keep his chairmanship of the Homeland Security Committee, not because of vindictiveness, but because he's never used it for oversight since he took over the position. Other than Iraq, there's been no other government activity which needs oversight more, and he's done squat.

Posted by: Linkmeister at November 7, 2008 09:42 AM