January 14, 2009


I wanted some way to remind me of upcoming events and tasks each month, and I spend most of the day at the computer. So I went looking for a calendar function which operates like a basic one-month-at-a-time 8x10 calendar that hangs on the refrigerator. I fiddled a little with Windows Calendar, which comes built-in with Vista, but I concluded the learning curve was too high for what I wanted.

I Googled for free calendar software and found Sunbird. It's a Mozilla product, and I like Firefox, so I thought I'd give it a shot.

I like it. It's very easy to learn and use, and it displays things the way I want and allows for one-time setup of recurring events, audibly reminds me of chores, and probably does a million other things I don't care about.

Posted by Linkmeister at January 14, 2009 11:18 AM | TrackBack

My own approach is very low-tech: I stick postits on the specific date on a calendar, with the date written on the postit in case it falls off.

Posted by: Serge at January 14, 2009 07:46 PM

I use a combination of Sunbird and Google Calendar. On windows, I've found that Rainlendar is pretty cool. It grabs my Gcal events and displays them on my desktop. Email me if you want more info.

Posted by: Scott at January 14, 2009 07:55 PM