February 22, 2009

Sunday silliness

After seeing a few commercials, my concern has risen to this: I finally got around to visiting Hang In There Jack, the site that shows on the screen during the latest round of ads for Jack-in-the-Box. It's pretty darned imaginative; 30-second video clips of "doctors" updating the public on Jack's condition, etcetera. If you've got five minutes to spare, go look. I particularly like his 2nd in command Phil, who was there when Jack was hit by a bus: "All I know is that Jack and I were talking over some high-level executive stuff and then we weren't, 'cause he got hit by a bus."

I've received no remuneration from Jack-in-the-Box for this post. Too bad. I kinda like their Ciabatta burgers.

Posted by Linkmeister at February 22, 2009 10:15 AM | TrackBack