March 04, 2009

Lost, Season 5, Episode 8

Blurb: “Sawyer perpetuates a lie with some of the other island survivors in order to protect themselves from mistakes of the past.”

Ryan's comments here.

Jon's comments here.

Before I see it, I'll just say that Sawyer perpetuating a lie is no great surprise.

Wait, wait. Sawyer, Juliet, Jin, Daniel and Miles are all twenty-something years in the past with Dharma, and have spent at least three years with them?

Charlotte said she was born on the island, and we see her as a little girl (but not the baby born to Amy, since that was a boy).

How does Daniel know that there will be no more flashes and time changes?

And why is there no episode next week?

Posted by Linkmeister at March 4, 2009 07:24 PM | TrackBack