April 19, 2009

Possible clarification

The NYT says that Zubaydah was a victim of waterboarding 83 times, but that it was Khalid Shaikh Mohammed who got the treatment the other 183 times. I've read that section of the memo three times now, and it's a little unclear to me just who the recipient was of that second round.

Either way, it's appalling. If waterboarding Zubaydah 83 times didn't get the results CIA hoped for, why did they think that waterboarding KSM 183 times would get "better" results?

Heads should roll, and the heads shouldn't stop at the mid-management level at Langley. It should go as far up the chain of command as can be proven, be it former AG Ashcroft or former CIA Director Tenet or Cheney or Bush or all of them.

Posted by Linkmeister at April 19, 2009 09:00 PM | TrackBack