June 09, 2009

Terrorism works

At least, if I were a member of the forced-pregnancy brigade, that's the message I'd take away from Dr. Tiller's family's announcement today that the clinic he ran will close permanently.

For rank hypocrisy, this is hard to beat:

“We are thankful that Tiller’s clinic will not reopen and thankful that Wichita is now abortion free,” Troy Newman, the president of Operation Rescue, which moved to Wichita because of Dr. Tiller’s clinic, said in a written statement. “It is our sincere prayer that threats to open another third-trimester abortion clinic in Kansas will not come to fruition so that the healing process for this state and community can begin.”

Still, Mr. Newman said, “we have worked very hard for this day, but we wish it would have come through the peaceful, legal channels that we were pursuing.”

On the other hand, give this jerk points for honesty:

The president of the Kansas Coalition for Life, Mark S. Gietzen, who since 2004 had arranged for daily volunteers to stand outside the clinic and call out to the women going in, said his group might turn its efforts to abortion centers in the Kansas City region now, or perhaps to North Dakota.

“It looks like our prayer was answered,” Mr. Gietzen said of the clinic’s closing.

Yes, Mr. Gietzen, your long terrorist campaign succeeded. All it took, finally, was the murder of a good man who asked nothing more than to continue to provide a service hundreds if not thousands of women need.

Posted by Linkmeister at June 9, 2009 07:48 PM | TrackBack