January 04, 2010

Sounding the tocsin once again

Digby has a very informative post warning us of the evil that Pete Peterson wants to do to the tattered social safety net we lower and middle class Americans are still clinging to.

Peterson, who's got billions he made as a hedge fund manager, essentially thinks that America will fail unless "serious fiscal reform" takes place. What that means in practice is reduce the deficit by cutting programs. To that end he's sponsoring the establishment of a Deficit Commission, which would think for a while and then recommend solutions to Congress, which couldn't tinker with the proposals but could only vote Yea or Nay on them.

I don't know about you, but giving some unelected bipartisan (read: fiscal scolds on both sides of the aisle; think Blue Dog Democrats and their buddies on the Republican side) commission that kind of authority and then demanding that Americans' elected representatives vote up or down with no discussion seems a little, how should I put this, undemocratic to me.

Go read Digby.

Posted by Linkmeister at January 4, 2010 10:27 AM | TrackBack