January 20, 2010

Dear House Democrats

You do realize that the Republicans are going to bash you no matter what you do in their campaigns against you this fall, right? It's the nature of politics that your opponent will do that. Wouldn't you rather be bashed for doing something good for the country (which is, after all, part of the reason you went in to public service in the first place, I hope)?

In your shoes, I'd hold my nose about the parts of the Senate health care bill I don't like and pass the damned thing. Then, in the fall campaign, I'd busily point out that a whole bunch of your constituents just got health insurance, that a whole bunch more now can't be denied health insurance for pre-existing conditions, and that your opponents belong to a party which has shown itself since the elections of 2008 to be nothing but the Party of No. It's shown itself to care nothing for the good of the American public.

Jon Walker at FDL says:

The party in power must run on their accomplishments and point to those accomplishments as a down payment on other promises they will fulfill if they are allowed to stay in power. You must deliver something to the voters and hope they like it.
The American voter likes fighters, not quitters. Don't throw away a whole year worth of work based on one defeat in Massachusetts, no matter how stupidly you think your party managed that Senate campaign.

Posted by Linkmeister at January 20, 2010 08:18 AM | TrackBack

I think we've arrived at this point, with a sorry mess of a health care reform bill, because the Democrats played to their weaknesses instead of their strengths. Rolling backwards and starting at least partially anew might not be the catastrophe it's painted up to be.

Posted by: Harry at January 20, 2010 09:24 AM

I don't think so. I think the public perception is that they've spent a year on HCR with ugly pushing and hauling and much of the public doesn't see yet what it might get out of the reform on offer. More time spent on a restart would just add to that perception. I think the public wants the majority party (59 Senate seats! 240+ House seats!) to get something done on job creation. So my view is pass the bill and pivot smartly to jobs programs.

Posted by: Linkmeister at January 20, 2010 09:34 AM