March 02, 2010

Lost, Season 6, Episode 6

Blurb: Sayid faces a difficult decision; Claire sends a warning to the temple inhabitants.


Alan Sepinwall

EW, stretching to find connections between "Lost" and "Alice in Wonderland"

EW Recap

Alas, poor Dogen. We didn't know him very well, but he'll live on in memory.

At the end of this episode we seem to have Claire and Sayid suborned to unLocke's will. I don't think we know whether Kate has succumbed to unLocke. Hurley and Jack are still off by the Lighthouse, Sawyer is back in Otherton, and Jin is presumably still at Claire's camp resting his leg.

The appearance of the group led by Ilana with Frank, Sun, and Ben surprised the heck out of me. At some point we'll (maybe) be told just how it is that Ilana knows so much about the island, such as how she knows which stone to press in that wall to open it to a hidden room or passageway.

That last scene with unLocke was very reminiscent of "Night of the Living Dead."

Posted by Linkmeister at March 2, 2010 02:45 PM | TrackBack

I didn't think Kate has. She looked as though she was in shock at seeing him standing in front of her and appeared to me as though she was following more from habit than anything else.

I'm still puzzled by Claire's attitude toward Kate. I didn't think there were bad feelings between them before the six left the island. Now, she's ready to do Kate in. And Kate doesn't have a clue about that. Interesting development.

Posted by: Illanoy Gal at March 3, 2010 11:28 AM