April 07, 2010

T'is a puzzle

Why Newt Gingrich still gets a forum to yap is beyond me. He's a former Speaker of the House thrown out of the job by his own side, a serial adulterer and a lousy novelist. Give him credit, though; he's one of Amazon's most prolific reviewers. But Republicans and the media both still listen to his blathering, even when he's lying through his teeth.

This time it's the "16,000 IRS agents" who will become "health police" to ensure everyone who doesn't buy health insurance will pay the penalty for not doing so. This despite the fact that claim has been debunked by FactCheck.org and by PolitiFact.

Good thing I'm not King Henry.

Posted by Linkmeister at April 7, 2010 02:34 PM | TrackBack

It's a matter of perspective - compared to most of what the Republicans are trotting out now, Gingrich looks like a calm, rational, thinking man.

Posted by: Harry at April 8, 2010 05:29 PM

Nevertheless, he'll come up with something really stupid such as what he said about the new nuclear arms treaty. Jon Stewart really called out Newt on tonight's show about an "interview" he gave to Sean Hannity. How either of them could sit there and say what they did with straight faces is beyond me.

And, of course, their audience will eat it up like it was the best apple pie and ice cream they ever saw. (sigh) I get so discouraged sometimes.

Posted by: Illanoy Gal at April 9, 2010 12:26 AM