April 28, 2010

I don't think you've got the right guy here

From: "Ben Bernenke"

Subject: Attention Beneficiary,Contract fund credit from Federal Reserve Bank Board. We received the instructional letter to credit $10.5 million to your account. We wish to let know that all charges are waived for the sucess of this contract fund to be credited into your account.Your respond is required to enable us credit your account. without any further of delay and you are also required to get back to us with the reconfirmation of your banking particulars for we to know if what we have in file is correct and to avoid crediting your fund to wrong account.Congratulation to your contract fund.Please be fast on this matter.Thanks and god bless you. Regards,Ben S. Bernanke Chairman Federal Reserve Bank New York
Well now. In the "From" line Bernanke's name is spelt wrong. In the closing his name is correct but his title is wrong. I also suspect that the Fed Chairman knows about the separation of church and state and thus would not use "god bless you" in any business correspondence. And finally, I sure hope that, faceless government bureaucrat though his secretary may be, he or she has a better command of grammar than is on display here.

Darn. I could use $10.5M, too.

Posted by Linkmeister at April 28, 2010 12:01 AM | TrackBack

Gee, you mean it isn't real?? It's a fake??

Drat, and as I read this I thought, "Gee, I wonder if I could hit him up for a loan of a couple of hundred thousand. I'm sure he wouldn't miss it!!"


You'd think if they were going to put this much effort into the scam, the least they could do is google to see if they got the name right!!

Posted by: Illanoy Gal at April 28, 2010 01:04 AM

Remember, it costs them NOTHING to send this stuff. All they need is one idiot whose desire to get something for nothing is stronger than his (or her) common sense, and they score. I admit I haven't seen a Nigerian fraud letter from Ben Bernanke before; thanks for the addition to my collection!

Posted by: hedera at April 28, 2010 09:03 AM