July 28, 2003

Monday miscellany

If you're not ready to take the plunge for a full-on digital camera, either because you're not feeling wealthy (that's me) or you don't take enough photos to think it's worthwhile (that fits me too), Ritz Camera is offering a disposable digital camera. Walgreens and Walt Disney World are soon to follow. It's got no USB connection and no LCD image screen, but you can get prints back in 15 minutes, and you get a photo-CD.

Could this be the way it will be on NFL Countdown on ESPN this year?

My brush with history, Bob Hope edition: In 1969 Hope toured Berlin, Italy, Turkey, Vietnam, Thailand, Taiwan, and Guam. Accompanying him were Neil Armstrong, Connie Stevens, Romy Schneider, The Golddiggers, Teresa Graves, Suzanne Charny, Eve Reuber-Staier, Les Brown, and Hector and Ted Pierro. I don't remember seeing the show, but I was on Guam at the time. Maybe I was in classes at the University that day? Dunno. At any rate, rest in peace, Bob. Here's the USA Today obituary, with a whole slew of links, both audio and video.

Posted by Linkmeister at July 28, 2003 03:00 PM

Mr. Hopes jokes were really lame. But I do give him credit for performing in front of our servicemen.
I just finished reading "Kate Remembered" by A. Scott Berg. She was to do a movie with Hope and he wouldn't move a muscle without his joke writers. He wanted to keep doing movies that resembled his "Road" portrayals....
This aggrevated Kate to no end, since the movie was not supposed to be like that!!!

Posted by: toxiclabrat at July 29, 2003 07:11 AM

It boggles my mind that the Library of Congress has 70-80,000 of his jokes on file. Did you know that Larry Gelbart (M*A*S*H) once wrote for him?

Posted by: Linkmeister at July 29, 2003 08:02 PM