January 13, 2006

The ever-expanding to-be-read pile

I thought I'd better use my Borders gift certificate before some unknown penalty kicked in, so I picked up The Handmaid's Tale and Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell.

I got the Atwood book because I've heard about it for a long time, and America under a theocracy seems like a more distinct possibility than it once did. I figured I should study up. The Susanna Clarke book seemed like an 800-page lark. How can I resist magicians attempting to defeat Napoleon?

'Course, I still have to finish the other three Christmas books.

Posted by Linkmeister at January 13, 2006 08:56 PM | TrackBack

I read the Handmaid's Tale maybe 30 years ago and it was a read that stuck with me. And like you suggest, it is scary in these times to wonder if we're headed down a similar path.

Posted by: Karan at January 14, 2006 04:58 AM

I just noticed that it was first published in 1985 so my memory is faulty...I must have read it brand new. Still...it is so close in my memory that it feels like I finished it last week.

Posted by: Karan at January 14, 2006 05:01 AM

I really doubt that we're on track to have theocracy here in the states. But, even the hint of it gives me the willies! I have no problem with a representative having religion; I have major problems with the political imposition of religion, no matter what the flavor.

The really hard part is finding the balance point. The elimination of all discussion of religion from our culture is not a good idea, because we have a significant cultural component that derives from the religion of the founding fathers. It is out of whack, though, and that troubles me.

Posted by: ruminator at January 16, 2006 11:45 AM