February 12, 2011

New bread on horizon

We finished up the challah this morning, so I need a new loaf of bread. I'm getting adventurous and trying a French bread, using this recipe. It's from Chuck Williams, one half of Williams-Sonoma.

French bread takes about an hour longer than the three-hour Basic cycle in the bread machine and I didn't start it till 2:45pm, so either I delay dinner or we don't have it with our cheeseburgers tonight. Idiot.

Update: Bah. I did something wrong; the loaf never rose very high, the crust still shows a coat of flour, and the interior is an ugly greenish color.

Can't make perfect bread every time, I suppose, but still, this is annoying.

Posted by Linkmeister at February 12, 2011 03:03 PM | TrackBack